To inspire our Year Four students for our Term Three Inquiry Based Learning unit 'Ch Ch Ch Changes' based around Earth and Space Science, we will be visiting the Melbourne Museums Climate Change Lab The Earth's climate is changing. Scientific evidence shows us that these changes are happening much faster than they should be! But what does this really mean? How do we know? And what can we do about it? In this program students explore the issue of climate change as they learn the science behind global warming, examine Victoria's climate risks, and communicate ideas and actions that can mitigate the impacts of climate change. Students will take on the role of science communicators, work in small groups and use digital technologies to create visual data visualisations that help them communicate about climate change and Victoria's future. |
Students will be required to be at their classroom at 8:40am so that we can depart Timbarra at 9:00am sharp. We will return to school around 3:00pm and students will be dismissed from their classroom at 3:10pm. Students will be required to bring 1 disposable bag (plastic/paper bag) that is clearly labelled with their name and class, that includes their snack, fruit snack and lunch with a water bottle. Please ensure that students have adequate food as our break times will be different to our usual daily schedule. |