"We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher's hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world."- David Warlick

All Students from Prep-Year 9 are provided with access to a wide range of digital technologies as tools for learning and to develop higher order thinking. The use of technologies can be found within the classroom as well as in specialist areas of the College. This provides students with a two dimensional learning experience that will equip them for the twenty first century.

Acceptable Use Policy

All students in Year 5-9 are required to sign an acceptable use form at the beginning of each school year. This form is signed in conjunction by both parents and students with discussions at school and at home about what is appropriate use of technologies at school. To download the Acceptable Use Policy click the link below.

ICT User Agreement


Cybersafety is an important aspect of life with technology. Lessons on cybersafety are embedded into our curriculum from Prep- Year 9. Our school is working towards becoming an eSmart school. This program was developed by the Alannah and Madeline Foundation and aims at educating teachers, students and the community about the benefits, risks and ultimately how to stay safe online.

Year 7-9 BYOD Program

It is a compulsory requirement that all students in Year 7-9 have access to a laptop. Students will use the device for online textbooks, to present and submit learning tasks and to access a vast range of information and other educational resources. The type of device is left to the parents’/carers’ discretion, but cannot be a mobile phone or iPad, due to DET regulations. The College recommends purchasing the device from our supplier Learning with Technologies (LWT). The devices offered on the LWT portal comply with the specifications required by the College for effective and efficient use and will receive ongoing hardware and software support from the College’s IT Technicians.

The following support will be provided for devices purchased from LWT:

  • Pre-configured for school Wi-Fi access and printing

  • Core productivity software pre-installed (Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud)

  • Laptop password managed by the College’s IT Technicians

  • Preliminary assessment and repairs for hardware faults by College’s IT Technicians

  • 3 Years onsite warranty coverage

    • 1 year coverage on battery

    • Optional upgrade to 3 years coverage on battery

  • Optional 3 Years Accidental Damage and Theft Protection insurance policy

    • Insurance Policy Information

  • Temporary loan devices provided if a student device is dropped off for repairs

Learning With Technologies BYOD Order Portal

Click here to watch a helpful video on ordering a laptop with Learning With Technologies.

Externally purchased devices will receive minimal support from the College’s IT Technicians, mainly related to installing software to prepare the device to be used in a learning environment and will not include hardware support.

Recommended specifications for externally purchased devices:

    • Device type: Laptop

    • Operating System: Windows 10 or 11 (Macbooks and Chromebooks will also be supported)

    • Storage: 120GB+ SSD

    • RAM/Memory: 4GB+

    • Battery life: 6+ hours

    • Screen size: 11”+

    • Recommended age of device: < 3 years old

The following support will be provided for externally purchased devices:

  • School Wi-Fi access and printing
  • Assistance with installing core productivity software (Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud)

Instructions to Set Up Externally Purchased BYOD (Windows)

Instructions to Set Up Externally Purchased BYOD (MacOS)