Principal's Message

Welcome Back to Term 2!

This term holds many exciting experiences for our students including Primary and Secondary Cross Country, Prep Around the World Day, Author visits, Year 6 Night of Notables and many excursions across the year levels. Hard to believe this will all fit into nine weeks.


I am happy to announce that Aimee Maddocks will be our new PSD sub-leader. Congratulations! In other staffing news, Sarah Karapen and Kate Conroy will commence teaching 2A next week and Fazeela Samadi, a new member of the Timbarra team, will take over from Lisa Whitfield who has commenced family leave.


We held a Parent workshop on Wednesday 17th of May from 6.45-8pm at the College. Parents and carers of all genders and year levels attended and had a wonderful and insightful evening. During this workshop, parents and carers learnt strategies to encourage their young person to find a strong sense of identity and give parent/carers, confidence around establishing strong foundations that enable them to flourish! The workshop was facilitated by The Big Sister Experience and was beneficial to all those who came.


I would like to officially unveil our new updated website. The process to update our old website took some time however, we are all very proud of the new updated version. Our website will have all of the latest events placed onto the calendar as well as our newsletter articles as they published.


A timely reminder that all students should be wearing the full school uniform. No alternative jumpers are permitted underneath the College uniform. If students are unable to wear the uniform correctly they must have a signed note from a parent or carer. Uniform items can be purchased from Beleeza School Uniforms.

Kind Regards

Cassandra Marinopoulos

Anzac Day

Whole School Anzac Day Ceremony

On Monday 24th April students from Prep to Year 9 and community members joined together to pay our respect and remember the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who have served our country and fallen in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations especially in WWI and the Gallipoli operation.

I saw a kid marchin’ with medals on his chest.
He marched alongside Diggers marching six abreast.
He knew that it was ANZAC Day - he walked along with pride.
He did his best to keep in step with the Diggers by his side.

And when the march was over the kid was rather tired.
A Digger said “Whose medals, son?” to which the kid replied:
“They belong to daddy, but he did not come back.
He died up in New Guinea on a lonely jungle track”.

The kid looked rather sad then and a tear came to his eye.
The Digger said “Don’t cry my son and I will tell you why.
Your daddy marched with us today - all the blooming way.
We Diggers know that he was there - it’s like that on ANZAC Day”.

The kid looked rather puzzled and didn’t understand,
But the Digger went on talking and started to wave his hand.
“For this great land we live in, there’s a price we have to pay
For we all love fun and merriment in this country where we live.
The price was that some soldier his precious life must give.

For you to go to school my lad and worship God at will,
Someone had to pay the price so the Diggers paid the bill.
Your daddy died for us my son - for all things good and true.
I wonder if you understand the things I’ve said to you”.

The kid looked up at the Digger - just for a little while
And with a changed expression, said, with a lovely smile:
“I know my dad marched here today - this is ANZAC Day.
I know he did. I know he did, all the bloomin’ way”.

D. Hunter
(A veteran of Shaggy Ridge with the 2/12 Battalion in WW2)

Farewell Mrs Adamson

Mrs Adamson's retirement

On Wednesday 27th April we bid farewell to our long serving Principal, Mrs Adamson. The whole school lined the oval to thank Mrs Adamson for her time at Timbarra P-9 College and the impact she has had on both past and present students as well as the teaching staff. The students made signs, cards and held streamers as she walked a lap of the oval. She bid farewell to the Timbarra staff and spoke about how kindness needs to be a leading value within our Collehe.

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate."- Winnie the Pooh

Thank you Mrs Adamson, enjoy your well deserved retirement.

Primary Athletics

Monday April 3rd was Timbarra’s Year 3-6 Athletics Event. It was a fantastic day full of good sportsmanship and everyone giving it their best.

A big thank you to all the teachers and Year 9 captains for helping the day run smoothly. The House who accumulated the most points throughout the day was Banksia (Blue). Those who finished first and second in the track events, and those who finished first in the field events have qualified to represent Timbarra at the District Athletics event in September. Good luck!

“I loved Long Jump the most. I ended up with 3 first ribbons and was very proud of myself”- Sam 3W

“The 1500m is my favorite because I love to run. It was so fun competing against my friends and we all tried our best and cheered for each other” -Lucy 4M

Secondary Cross Country

On Monday 15th May, the secondary students of Timbarra participated in the annual Cross Country event. The sun was shining, and it was a beautiful day for cross country running. Our course this year was slightly different to previous years, utilising our surrounding community for our 3km track.

Congratulations to all the competitors, every student who competed earned valuable points for their house.

House Results





Student Results

13 Girls

1st Tiffany Boswell

2nd Zoe Quirk

3rd Nethini Baduge

13 Boys

1st Ethan Newman

2nd Hamish Langham

3rd Zack Vanbergenhenegouwen

14 Girls

1st Emily Fu

2nd Isabel McWilliams

3rd Ivy Cromie

14 Boys

1st Jacob Sidea

2nd Oscar Turner

3rd Eric Collie

15 Girls

1st Felicity Newman

2nd Zara Quesado

3rd Shakira Parpana

15 Boys

1st Andel Regala

2nd Zander Marcuccio

3rd Rhylee Lappen

16 Boys

1st Riley Ferguson

2nd Mithcell Rice

3rd Jake Nally

All students who finished in the top 10 of their age group will be heading to the next stage, which is Division Cross Country, next Tuesday 23rd May at Akoonah Park, Berwick.

Well done to all that participated, and good luck to those students going to the next stage!

3T Spectacular

Addition and subtraction

In week 2 and 3, the Year 3 students have been learning all about addition and subtraction. They have applied a range of different strategies to solve 2 digit addition and subtraction problems such as using a number lines, vertical method, split strategy and using concrete materials.

Students have enjoyed creating addition crafts and using the vertical method to workout the answer to addition and subtraction problems.

Secondary Visual Art

Students in Years 7-9 have had a busy start to the year in the Design rooms. They have experienced a wide variety of mediums.

Year 7 students have explored colour mixing and blending. They created a wide variety of colours using only primary colours, black and white. Their underwater themed artworks can be seen on display around the college. This Term they are hand building, sculpting and glazing ceramic pots. They will also investigate street art and graffiti.

Year 8 artists have designed and created mixed medium artworks featuring pastel, watercolour paint and markers. They have also contributed to a collaborative tessellating artwork of cuboids. Students are now sculpting and glazing realistic ceramic food items from clay.

Students in the Year 9 art elective this Semester have produced a wide variety of impressive artworks. They have sculpted Modroc masks and press mould ceramic bowls that are on display in the learning areas. Students also designed and carved a design into lino to create relief prints. In addition to this they have explored pastels, painting and figure drawing. More wonderful artworks will follow our upcoming excursion to Melbourne!

2A Literacy Legends

In this edition of Literacy Legends, we are putting the spotlight on Akshay, Leo, Mitchell and Miller from 2R. They have been doing Reciprocal Reading with Mrs. Randall

These boys love reading and learning new and interesting things…and Miss Westhead loves it when they visit to teach her new things too!

Let’s learn a little more about them.

What do you love about reading?

Akshay – it gives you interesting words.

Leo – If you’re reading fiction you can imagine lots of things from one sentence.

Mitchell – when you’re reading, you can imagine pictures and the words help you.

Miller – You can get ideas for your own writing.

Who is your favourite author?

Akshay – Mem Fox because she uses expressive words.

Leo – Andy Griffiths because I like all of the made-up things and he is funny.

Mitchell – R.L Stine because I like horror and I like reading his books because he usually writes a twist.

Miller – Mem Fox because she’s really funny.

What was your favourite word in ‘War of the Worlds’?

Akshay – ungovernable because I already knew the word govern. It means you can’t be ruled.

Leo – luminous because I could include it in my writing. It means shining light.

Mitchell – luminous because I didn’t know what it meant then it became my favourite when I found out.

Why do you like doing Reciprocal Reading?

Akshay – I get to read harder words and what we are reading is more interesting. My favourite job is summarizer.

Leo – we get to read independently and have different jobs. My favourite job is using the iPad and being the clarifier.

Mitchell – it gives us a chance to read with people at the same level and we read interesting texts. My favourite job is predictor.

Miller – I like doing the different jobs. My favourite job is clarifier because I get to look up words on the iPad.

Education Week

Easter & Mother's Day Raffle Winners

Easter Raffle 2023




Oliver 3W


Gemma 6M


Milli 3W


Iris 1S


Chloe 6H


David 5M


Grace 6M


Cam Prep B


Patrick 5W


Ashiyana 4M


Mrs Miotto 6M


Eloise 2R


Jack 5M


Willow 1O


Kathy Admin


Liam 1O


Chede 6H


Valen Prep B


Lucious 2R


James 3T


Ava 3W


Harmony 8C


Amy 7A


Nathan 4C


Hayden Staff


Colton 2A


Joel 3W

Top four winners

Mother’s Day Raffle 2023






Cooper 5W


Levi 3W


Oliver Prep B


Jaida 1O


Grace 6M


William 4P


April 4C


Isabelle 1S


Lily 4M


Miss Poulton


Erin 3W


David 5M


Nathan 3T


Bronwyn 6H


Lenny 3W


Bailey 5M


Brigid 7A


Harper 1S


Jai 1S


Sumayah 2R


Elizabeth Prep B


Aikya 6M


Jade Prep P


Nathan 4C


Ryan 4M


Lillian 5M


Dexter 6M


Brodie 1S


Melanie 5M


Karolina 7B


Macy 6H


Levi 3T


Harry 1S


Mackenzie 3T


Kyan 3T


Saxon 4M


Asha 2A


Dylan 2R


Niki 6M


Akshay 2R


OSHC Phone Number: 9 705 7400

OSHC Hours: Before: 7am – 9am After: 3pm – 6:30pm

Vacation Care Hours: 7am – 6pm Curriculum Day: 7am – 6pm

*If our phone is unattended, please leave your booking or cancellation on the answering machine.

NOTE: We will only call you back if we are unable to take your child due to ratios, otherwise if you do not hear from us, everything is fine.



As our ‘Payment of Fees Policy’ states;

A child’s position will be suspended if payment has not been received within three weeks of receiving their invoice. The suspended place will be re-activated once the invoice has been paid in full.

Please make sure you are checking your Emails. Also, if you have not received an invoice, please first check your ‘Junk Mail’ box. If it is not there, please contact us to make sure we have the correct Email address for you.

You can check all your details on your ‘Parent Portal’ at any time.

To check your Invoices, update any personal details and make sure we have the correct information at all times, this is the site you will need;

Parent Portal site:

Username: is your Email

Password: is your Mobile Number


The June/July Vacation Care Program will be out on; Monday, 5th June 2023

You will have 2 weeks to either book in or cancel and then no more bookings or cancellations will be accepted after; Friday, 16th June 2023

Please come down to the program on Monday, 5th June to pick up a form from the OSHC Program.


1. Any outstanding payments for OSHC must be paid for before you can book in to the Vacation Care Program.

2. Any bookings for any Excursions or Incursions must be paid up front when booking in and all Child Care Fees will be invoiced after you have used the program.


Welcome to Chloe De Silva who will be working with us in OSHC.

Chloe is currently doing her Bachelor of Primary Education, so please introduce yourselves and get to know her. She will be a great addition to our team.


Administration Policy, Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy, Excursions/Incursions Policy, Nutrition & Food Safety Policy, Performance Management Policy, Behaviour Guidance Policy, Interaction with Children, Family and Staff Policy, Payment of Fees Policy, Professional Development Policy

NOTE: All Policies are available at the OSHC Service for parents to view and add input before the end of the review month.


- World Turtle Day – 23rd

- National Simultaneous Storytime Day – 24th May


Lisa, Elisabeth, Ashlee, Hailey & Chloe - (OSHC Staff)

Message from First Aid


We have had reports of head lice throughout the school

Families, please check your child’s hair for head lice each SUNDAY before they return to school.

Please treat immediately if lice and eggs are found. Please also notify the school.

The incidence of head lice would be reduced significantly if this quick check was undertaken weekly.

For further information on treatment visit Treating and controlling headlice (


The cold and flu season is upon us again, so it is a timely reminder for everyone to be aware of the necessity to reduce the

spread of infection. The virus can be spread by coughing and sneezing.

It is very important that if your child is unwell that they remain at home, this will prevent the spread of an illness at school and aid their recovery. Rest and fluids are the best remedy when treating cold and flu infections.


It is also important that if your child is on any medication that is required to be given whilst they are at school that a Medication Authority form is completed and signed by a parent/guardian. These forms are available from the office or First Aid room. It is a legal requirement that this form is completed. Medication cannot be given without this being carried out.

New Medical Information forms should be completed if there are any changes to your child’s health. Also, please advise of any newly diagnosed asthmatics or if there are any changes to current treatment.

Please advise office staff of any changes to contact numbers or emergency details.

2A Literacy Legends

Deb Westhead


In this edition of Literacy Legends, we are putting the spotlight on Akshay, Leo, Mitchell and Miller from 2R. They have been doing Reciprocal Reading with Mrs. Randall

These boys love reading and learning new and interesting things…and Miss Westhead loves it when they visit to teach her new things too!

Let’s learn a little more about them.

What do you love about reading?

Akshay – it gives you interesting words.

Leo – If you’re reading fiction you can imagine lots of things from one sentence.

Mitchell – when you’re reading, you can imagine pictures and the words help you.

Miller – You can get ideas for your own writing.

Who is your favourite author?

Akshay – Mem Fox because she uses expressive words.

Leo – Andy Griffiths because I like all of the made-up things and he is funny.

Mitchell – R.L Stine because I like horror and I like reading his books because he usually writes a twist.

Miller – Mem Fox because she’s really funny.

What was your favourite word in ‘War of the Worlds’?

Akshay – ungovernable because I already knew the word govern. It means you can’t be ruled.

Leo – luminous because I could include it in my writing. It means shining light.

Mitchell – luminous because I didn’t know what it meant then it became my favourite when I found out.

Why do you like doing Reciprocal Reading?

Akshay – I get to read harder words and what we are reading is more interesting. My favourite job is summarizer.

Leo – we get to read independently and have different jobs. My favourite job is using the iPad and being the clarifier.

Mitchell – it gives us a chance to read with people at the same level and we read interesting texts. My favourite job is predictor.

Miller – I like doing the different jobs. My favourite job is clarifier because I get to look up words on the iPad.
