Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


Student punctuality is very important. During homeroom, at the beginning of the day, students are informed of the day’s program, events and important instructions are often given. Students arriving late to school (after 9.00 am) also disrupt the class they are in, as they get organised and settled for the day. Your co-operation on this matter would be greatly appreciated. After 9am, students will be recorded as being late for school. A student arriving late to school must sign in at the office and their late arrival will be recorded on the daily attendance roll. Primary parents/guardians must walk their child into the office and provide a reason for their child arriving late to school.


We run a number of clubs at recess and lunchtime, for students. These include boardgames, Lego, mindful colouring and trains. Before school, we offer run club and breakfast club (Wednesday and Thursday, respectively). Please encourage your child to join in and make some new friends! We have information posted around the school and in classrooms for students. To understand the importance of facilitating clubs at a school level, please click on the following link:

Lunchtime clubs | (


The Orange Door network is a free service for people of all ages and backgrounds to seek help and support for family violence and families in need of support with the wellbeing and development of children. The College works in conjunction with The Orange Door to ensure that families and children are well supported. To find help and support near you: Phone: 1800 271 170

About The Orange Door | (


We are well and truly into flu/COVID season and are seeing a number of staff and students impacted. If your child is unwell, please keep them home until they fully recover. This will help stop the spread and also, enable your child to return to school when they are ready. Please ensure that you log your child’s absence on Compass or contact the front office on 9704 2744.

Warm regards,

Cassandra Marinopoulos

Education Week

Education Week! What a great way to celebrate the wonderful learning here at Timbarra. We loved opening our classrooms to families and sharing what makes our school so special: an amazing community working together to achieve success for our students.

Prep B


Maths: In Prep B, our budding mathematicians have been diving into the world of numbers. We've been exploring partitioning and combining collections up to 10 using part-part-whole relationships. Through subitising, students are learning to quickly recognise and name the parts of these collections, enhancing their number sense skills.

Inquiry-Based Learning: Our IBL topic of “My Place” has taken us into the heart of what makes a community. The students have been discovering different places and helpers in our community. One of the highlights was dressing up as various community figures and workers, which brought our lessons to life in a fun and engaging way. Additionally, we used team work, blocks and toys to build our own community, ensuring it had key inclusions like roads, parks, shops and buildings.

SMART spelling: This week’s word was “sun” and our sentence was "The sun was up, but it was not hot." We had a fantastic time creating a sun-themed craft and learning interesting facts about the sun. To make our writing tasks even more enjoyable, we listened to a variety of songs featuring the word "sun”. Our favourite being ‘Cover me in sunshine’ by Pink. Along with this, we explored rhyming words such as "bun," "fun," and "run," which helped enhance our phonemic awareness.

Wellbeing: In our wellbeing lessons, we've been focusing on the Zones of Regulation, learning how to identify our emotions and use strategies to get ourselves back into the green zone, where we are calm and ready to learn. Additionally, we've been revisiting important school expectations, such as not playing with rocks and sticks, keeping our hands to ourselves, and seeking help from yard duty teachers when needed.

Prep B is buzzing with excitement and learning, and we look forward to many more upcoming adventures together- like our ‘Around the World Day’ in week 10 😊

Night of Notables

On Thursday 16th May, the Year 6 students presented their Notable Australian projects at the ‘Afternoon of Notables’. We were lucky enough to learn about the achievements of many notable people such as Shane Warne, Cathy Freeman, Nicole Kidman, May Gibbs and the entire Irwin family!

Amazing projects and costumes, all your hard work paid off! Thank you to the school community who turned out to support our talented Year 6 students.

Welcome to 5M!

5M continue to have fun through learning.
Students engage in weekly ‘Number sense workshops’ with the 5/6 team, working on student driven goals. Students have been presenting their IBL projects on ‘Our Endangered Planet’. Getting up in front of the class and presenting takes courage and they have all done a wonderful job. Reconciliation Week was celebrated throughout the school and 5M was no exception. Students worked through rotations that the 5/6 teachers had planned.

Year 7 Day

The Year 7 students went on their first Day Camp for the year to Enchanted Adventures at Arthurs Seat. Just like camp, the students took on physical challenges, spent time outdoors and had fun with their mates. It was great to see the students supporting each other through the tricky parts of the tree surfing course, racing down the tube slides and helping others to escape the maze.

Year 5 & 6 Winter Lightning Premiership

This Term the Year 5 and 6 students participated in the Winter Lightning Premiership. The students had an amazing day, and we are so proud of all the efforts they put in.

Year 9 Career Expo

This term the Year 9 students attended the South East Career Expo and Try a Trade day. With over 120 exhibitors from varies industries including engineering, healthcare, education and more, students were able to explore career options and begin their thoughts about future pathways.

Year 7 & 8 Inter-school Football

The Year 7’s and 8’s participated in the inter-school football competition. The team was greeted by some early morning fog, plenty of frost and an experienced Berwick College opposition who were too strong in Game 1. However, as the fog and frost vanished, so did the nerves and early rust of Timbarra. In Game 2 against Hallam SC, the team put on plenty of pressure and were able to move the ball beautifully down the field for a plethora of goals. Well done to everyone who represented Timbarra on the day.

Mini Art Competition

Timbarra College Miniature Art Show

Congratulations to all the Year 7-9 students who entered our very first miniature art show. Students worked in a small scale to produce 7X7cm masterpieces.

This years winners are:

Chloe King

Brigid Shields

Viduni Fernando

Harmony Nooroa

Winners each receive a merit award, ribbon and art supplies.



OSHC Phone Number: 9705 7400

OSHC Hours: Before: 7am – 8:45am After: 3:10pm – 6:30pm

Vacation Care Hours: 7am – 6pm Curriculum Day: 7am – 6pm


Please remember when making Bookings or Cancellations for your child/ren, you need to call us on the above OSHC phone number - (NOT EMAIL) - as from time to time our email may not be accessible due to connection issues and we will not receive your email, so the best way to contact us is by phone. If you need to speak to a staff member or pay an invoice over the phone, please call within our business hours of; 7am – 9am OR 2:30pm – 6:30pm (Monday to Friday).

*If our phone is unattended, please leave your booking or cancellation on the answering machine.

NOTE: We will only call you back if we are unable to take your child’s booking due to ratios, otherwise if you do not hear from us, your child’s booking is confirmed.



As our ‘Payment of Fees Policy’ states;

A child’s position will be suspended if payment has not been received within three weeks of receiving their invoice or the invoice is over $100 for more than 2 weeks.

The suspended place will be re-activated once the invoice has been paid in full.

Please make sure you are checking your Emails. Also, if you have not received an invoice, please first check your ‘Junk Mail’ box. If it is not there, please contact us to make sure we have the correct Email address for you.

You can check all your details on your ‘Parent Portal’ at any time.

To check your Invoices, update any personal details and make sure we have the correct information at all times, this is the site you will need;

Parent Portal site:

Username: is your Email

Password: is your Mobile Number


The July Vacation Care Program will be out on; Tuesday, 11th June 2024 - (Monday is a Public Holiday)

You will have until; Friday, 21st June 2024 to book in or cancel any bookings - (2 Weeks)

Bookings will be accepted on a first come basis, so the sooner you book in, the more chance you have of securing a place as places are limited and we have to be within child: staff ratios at all times.

Any Excursions/Incursions will need paying for up front to secure your booking and any Child Care Fees will be invoiced to you after you have used the Vacation Care Service.


Bush Fire Policy, Clothing Policy, Hand Washing Policy, Medical Conditions Policy, Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy, Anaphylaxis Management Policy, Asthma Management Policy, Diabetes Management Policy, Epilepsy Policy, Head Lice Policy, Mobile Device Usage Policy, Safe Transportation Policy.

NOTE: All Policies are available at the OSHC Service for parents to view and add input before the end of the review month.



5th – World Environment Day

12th – Thank a ‘First Responder Day’

27th – International Sunglasses Day


16th – World Snake Day

30th – World Friendship Day


Lisa, Hailey, Ashlee & Chloe - (OSHC Staff)

Education Week

Education Week! What a great way to celebrate the wonderful learning here at Timbarra. We loved opening our classrooms to families and sharing what makes our school so special: an amazing community working together to achieve success for our students.

Deb Westhead

