Principal's Message

We are well into the swing of things at Timbarra College and have had a smooth beginning to the year. Our new Prep and Year 7 students have made a positive start and have settled in well. Teachers have been very supportive of our new students and have helped make the transition as seamless as possible.

Getting to Know You Interviews

The Getting to Know You interviews in the Primary school were a success! Thank you to all parents and carers who met with their child’s teacher. The new hybrid model, a combination of phone and onsite meetings, increased parent engagement and provided valuable insights into our learners. As a College we strongly value our partnerships with families and these events further enhance collaboration between families and the school.


NAPLAN testing will be running from March 13th until March 22nd , including a ‘catch-up’ period. NAPLAN data, along with school-based assessments, enable us to track student learning and more accurately respond to student learning needs. NAPLAN preparation has commenced with our Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 classes. Testing will be done online and will have an adaptive format as last year. We have Year 9 students participating in the STRIVE programs which is designed to further support students who wish to improve their NAPLAN results.

Clubs and activities

Clubs and activities have returned and are proving to be popular with students. Our Breakfast and Running clubs have been well-attended by students across all year levels. Thank you to Parkhill Coles for providing us with a weekly supply of bread and fruit. Please encourage your child to join in lunchtime activities! Your child’s teacher will be able to share the timetable.

Primary Assembly

On Friday 9th of February, we held our first Primary School assembly of the year. Thank you to Tayla Young who organised this and will continue to do so for the remainder of the year. Primary assemblies will now be held every second Friday morning at 9.20am in the small gym and will be facilitated by members of the Principal team and student captains.

Curriculum Days

Please note the following days as being student free:

  • Friday 26th of April (Teaching and Learning focus: Instructional Model and Assessment)
  • Monday 2nd of September (Engagement focus: Guest speaker - Glen Pearsall)
  • Wednesday 27th of November (Assessment and Reporting)

There may be an additional Professional Practice Day that will be student free. Parents/carers will be notified as soon as this is confirmed.

Timbarra P-9 College Facebook page

If you haven’t done so already, please join the College’s Facebook page! It is a great place for reminders and to see the amazing things that are happening here at Timbarra!

Warm regards,

Cassandra Marinopoulos

Food Technology

This week cooking resumed in the Food Technology kitchen. Students were excited to be back learning new techniques and methods as well as trying various international foods.

This term the Year 7s will be focussing on food safety and hygiene whilst preparing and making dishes such as acai bowls, pancakes and french toast.

The Year 8s are learning about protein and will be focusing on beef. Dishes will include big mac tacos, beef bao buns and balsamic steak.

The Year 9 elective students have been learning about hospitality and cafe culture. Some students will complete their barista course at William Angliss Institute on Wednesday 21st Feb. The focus of Year 9 cooks will be around food found in cafes such as raspberry and white chocolate muffins, waffles, baked eggs, and toasties.

We would like to remind you that all students must have a container for food technology. This will help with ensuring the delicious food comes home for you to try!

It has been wonderful seeing so many smiling and enthusiastic faces in the kitchen and we look forward to a great year ahead.

5W Books with Buddies

5W have enjoyed getting to know their Year 1 and 3 buddies over the last couple of weeks. On Friday, we took over the library to enjoy some books together. It’s always exciting to meet our new buddies at the beginning of the year. This is what some of the students in 5W have said the like about having a younger buddy.

I like being the older one because I get to guide my younger buddies. Hank

I like that I can teach them things they may not know. Elle

I like that you have a nice friend beside you. Alara


The students in 1K have had a positive start to the year and have settled in well into Year 1! They have really enjoyed participating in hands on maths activities exploring place value. They have been practising retelling known stories and twisted fairy tails such as ‘Goldilocks and the Three Crocodiles’. Students have been working on generating ideas for their writing and focusing on correct letter formation. They have loved getting to know their buddies in 3S and 5W, creating buddy bears together and sharing stories in the library.

School Photo Day


OSHC Phone Number: 9705 7400

OSHC Hours: Before: 7am – 8:45am After: 3:10pm – 6:30pm

Vacation Care Hours: 7am – 6pm Curriculum Day: 7am – 6pm


Please remember when making Bookings or Cancellations for your child/ren, you need to call us on the above OSHC phone number - (NOT EMAIL), as from time to time our email may not be accessible due to connection issues and we will not receive your email, so the best way to contact us is by phone. If you need to speak to a staff member or pay an invoice over the phone, please call within our business hours of; 7am – 9am OR 2:30pm – 6:30pm (Monday to Friday).

*If our phone is unattended, please leave your booking or cancellation on the answering machine.

NOTE: We will only call you back if we are unable to take your child’s booking due to ratios, otherwise if you do not hear from us, your child’s booking is confirmed.


The April Vacation Care Program will go out on; Monday, 11th March and you will have until; Friday, 22nd March 2024 (2 weeks) to make a booking for your child/ren




As our ‘Payment of Fees Policy’ states;

A child’s position will be suspended if payment has not been received within three weeks of receiving their invoice or the invoice is over $100.

The suspended place will be re-activated once the invoice has been paid in full.

Please make sure you are checking your Emails. Also, if you have not received an invoice, please first check your ‘Junk Mail’ box. If it is not there, please contact us to make sure we have the correct Email address for you.

You can check all your details on your ‘Parent Portal’ at any time.

To check your Invoices, update any personal details and make sure we have the correct information at all times, this is the site you will need; Parent Portal site:

Username: is your Email

Password: is your Mobile Number


Multicultural Policy, Children’s Belongings Policy, Cyber Safety Policy, Dealing with Infectious Diseases Policy, Immunisation Policy, Incident, Injury, Trauma & Illness Policy, Sick Children Policy, Privacy & Confidentiality Policy, Additional Needs Policy, Administration of Medication Policy, Safe Arrival of Children Policy, Supervision Policy, Two-Way Radio Policy, Staff Wellness Policy, Anti-Bias and Inclusion Policy, Family Communication Policy

NOTE: All Policies are available at the OSHC Service for parents to view and add input before the end of the review month.



18th – 22nd - Harmony Week 15th - World Art Day

18th - Global Recycling Day 15th – 19th - Nature Play Week

19th - International Read to Me Day 21st - World Creativity & Innovation Day

21st - National Close the Gap Day 22nd - Earth Day

22nd - World Water Day 25th - World Penguin Day

25th - Earth Hour 29th - International Dance Day

26th - Neighbour Day


Lisa, Hailey, Ashlee & Chloe - (OSHC Staff)

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Photography, Filming and Recording Students Policy

Privacy Policies

Principal's Message

Cassandra Marinopoulos



We are well into the swing of things at Timbarra College and have had a smooth beginning to the year. Our new Prep and Year 7 students have made a positive start and have settled in well. Teachers have been very supportive of our new students and have helped make the transition as seamless as possible.

Getting to Know You Interviews

The Getting to Know You interviews in the Primary school were a success! Thank you to all parents and carers who met with their child’s teacher. The new hybrid model, a combination of phone and onsite meetings, increased parent engagement and provided valuable insights into our learners. As a College we strongly value our partnerships with families and these events further enhance collaboration between families and the school.


NAPLAN testing will be running from March 13th until March 22nd , including a ‘catch-up’ period. NAPLAN data, along with school-based assessments, enable us to track student learning and more accurately respond to student learning needs. NAPLAN preparation has commenced with our Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 classes. Testing will be done online and will have an adaptive format as last year. We have Year 9 students participating in the STRIVE programs which is designed to further support students who wish to improve their NAPLAN results.

Clubs and activities

Clubs and activities have returned and are proving to be popular with students. Our Breakfast and Running clubs have been well-attended by students across all year levels. Thank you to Parkhill Coles for providing us with a weekly supply of bread and fruit. Please encourage your child to join in lunchtime activities! Your child’s teacher will be able to share the timetable.

Primary Assembly

On Friday 9th of February, we held our first Primary School assembly of the year. Thank you to Tayla Young who organised this and will continue to do so for the remainder of the year. Primary assemblies will now be held every second Friday morning at 9.20am in the small gym and will be facilitated by members of the Principal team and student captains.

Curriculum Days

Please note the following days as being student free:

  • Friday 26th of April (Teaching and Learning focus: Instructional Model and Assessment)
  • Monday 2nd of September (Engagement focus: Guest speaker - Glen Pearsall)
  • Wednesday 27th of November (Assessment and Reporting)

There may be an additional Professional Practice Day that will be student free. Parents/carers will be notified as soon as this is confirmed.

Timbarra P-9 College Facebook page

If you haven’t done so already, please join the College’s Facebook page! It is a great place for reminders and to see the amazing things that are happening here at Timbarra!

Warm regards,

Cassandra Marinopoulos
