Principal's Message

Dear parents and carers,


I would like to wish all our Timbarra mums and special ladies in our children’s lives a very Happy Mother’s Day for yesterday. I am sure that you were appreciated by your children and family. Thank you to the families who donated items for our Mother’s Day raffle. I would also like to thank the wonderful volunteers who helped students choose their gifts at the stall last week.


Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria. This year Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Monday 13 May to Friday 17 May. This year’s theme is a ‘Spotlight on STEM’. On Tuesday 14th May, parents/carer are invited to visit their child’s class where you may see some reading, writing and maths. In the afternoon, we will be hosting a family picnic in the stadium from 2.15 to 3pm. Feel free to bring along a picnic blanket and some snacks. There will be activities and bands performing. On Friday, we will be having our discos and free dress day (gold coin donation). We have already sold over 200 disco packs – tank you to the Fundraising Committee for organising this!


If your child is absent, please log onto Compass and record the reason for the absence. Alternatively, you may contact the College on 9704 2744. If you are unable to access Compass, please visit the friendly ladies in the front office who will be more than happy to assist you.


We now have 921 followers on Facebook! I encourage you to follow our page as we post reminders, as well as photos of events and school activities. It is a great way to keep up to date with the College and engage with the Timbarra school community!

Warm regards,

Cassandra Marinopoulos

Primary Athletics Day

The Year 3-6 School Athletics Day took place on Friday May 3rd.

The students selected their own events to compete in. The events to choose from were:

  • Field Events- Shot Put, Discus, Long Jump and High Jump
  • Track Events- 100m, 200m, 800m, 1500m and 4X100m Relay.

The weather couldn’t have been anymore perfect as we all enjoyed a brilliant day of competition. Depending on the event, the first place or first and second place students qualify for the Berwick District Event. This will be held in Term 3, Friday September 6th.

The final standings: Yellow- 438, Green- 555, Blue- 582, Red- 589. Congratulations to everyone in Waratah Red House for accumulating the most points and being awarded Champions for 2024!

Primary Cross Country

The first ever Primary Whole School Cross Country Day took place on Monday April 22nd.

The Preps ran a 500m race around the oval. The Year 1 and 2 students ran a 1km track which consisted of 2 laps of the oval.

The Year 3- 6 students competed in Age groups as the top 8 qualified for the Berwick District Event. The 9/10 Age group ran a 2km course around the school, while the 11 and 12/13 Age Group ran a 3km course that took them around and outside the school grounds.

The day was full of numerous heroic and gallant efforts. A big congratulations goes to all the students who completed the races!

The Berwick District Event will be held on Tuesday May 21st. Good luck to all Timbarra competitors! Give it your best shot!

Bike Education

Across the first 2 terms our Year 1 and 2 students participated in Bike Ed. Our program was targeted to improve riding skills as well as reinforce traffic safety. During these sessions students practiced braking, tight turning, weaving and giving way to traffic.

Outdoor Ed Camp

Year 9 Outdoor Ed students attended a 3 day camp at the Paradise Valley camp grounds. During our stay students rode several different Mountain Biking trails, learned how to start a campfire, cooked their food over a fire, went fishing and set up tents. This was a great experience for our students and lots of valuable lessons about the outdoors learned.

Tye – I really enjoyed hanging out with my mates and being bale to go out Mountain Bike riding. It was a good experience to be able to cook our own food and sit around the fire at night.

Callum – I really enjoyed playing in the river and going Mountain Bike riding at Blores Hill. I also really enjoyed learning how to cook our own food on the fire.

Jacob – My favourite part of camp was going Mountain Bike riding. My favourite trail was the ‘trick or treat’ double black diamond run at Haunted Hills Bike Park.

Secondary Athletics Day

On Thursday 28th March, the secondary students had their Athletics Carnival, and it was the perfect fit to have it on the last day of Term 1. Students participated in a range of track and field events over the course of the day. There were lucky dip prizes to the best dressed, it was great to see so many students in their house colours and getting creative with it! A special mention to Jacob Sidea for running a new school record in the 1500m with a time of 5:10. Well done to Kirat Dhaliwal (9.53m) and Tiffany Boswell (8.1m) who both scored new school records in Triple Jump.

Overall, it was Akuna winning the day on 1,961 house points, followed by Chokoree on 1,866, Allunga on 1,164 and Binda on 1,036 house points.

Well done to all students who participated and made it a fun last day of term.

Anzac Day

On Wednesday 24th August, the Timbarra community came together for the 2024 ANZAC Day Service. It was a chance for everyone to take the time to remember and honour our veterans and returned servicemen and women for their service and sacrifice. Our Primary and Secondary Captains did a wonderful job leading the service and we were all treated to a moving performance of ‘A Song of Peace’ from our Primary and Secondary Choirs. Thank you to all who attended to pay their respects.

A Snapshot into 6H!

This week in 6H we have been covering many different concepts across all areas of the curriculum. Below is a summary of the fun things we have been up to!

In Mathematics we have been learning about fractions. Simplifying and converting fractions has been our focus this week.

In English, we have embraced the ANZAC Day theme and learned a lot about the brave Australian soldiers who sacrificed their lives for a better world.

In IBL, we completed a mini research project on some key events in Australia’s history.

Inside 3S

In Reading we have been making inferences. We used what we already know, with text clues to infer how a character could be feeling and what could happen next in a range of books and a short Pixar video. In writing we have been learning about features of a sentence including boundary punctuation, the predicate, and the subject. We worked on our personal spelling words and wrote a narrative.

In Mathematics we continued to learn and practise addition of larger numbers. We are learning to verbalise the mental strategies we use to calculate each problem.

In IBL, we looked at how our local community has changed over time. We watched a video about life in Australia in 1908 and compared it to life in 2024 in a Venn diagram.


OSHC Phone Number: 9705 7400

OSHC Hours: Before: 7am – 8:45am

After: 3:10pm – 6:30pm

Vacation Care Hours: 7am – 6pm

Curriculum Day: 7am – 6pm


Please remember when making Bookings or Cancellations for your child/ren, you need to call us on the above OSHC phone number - (NOT EMAIL) - as from time to time our email may not be accessible due to connection issues and we will not receive your email, so the best way to contact us is by phone. If you need to speak to a staff member or pay an invoice over the phone, please call within our business hours of; 7am – 9am OR 2:30pm – 6:30pm (Monday to Friday).

*If our phone is unattended, please leave your booking or cancellation on the answering machine.

NOTE: We will only call you back if we are unable to take your child’s booking due to ratios, otherwise if you do not hear from us, your child’s booking is confirmed.



As our ‘Payment of Fees Policy’ states;

A child’s position will be suspended if payment has not been received within three weeks of receiving their invoice or the invoice is over $100 for more than 2 weeks.

The suspended place will be re-activated once the invoice has been paid in full.

Please make sure you are checking your Emails. Also, if you have not received an invoice, please first check your ‘Junk Mail’ box. If it is not there, please contact us to make sure we have the correct Email address for you.

You can check all your details on your ‘Parent Portal’ at any time.

To check your Invoices, update any personal details and make sure we have the correct information at all times, this is the site you will need;

Parent Portal site:

Username: is your Email

Password: is your Mobile Number


The July Vacation Care Program will be out on; Monday, 10th June 2024

You will have until; Friday, 21st June 2024 to book in or cancel any bookings, which means you will have 2 weeks to do this.

Bookings will be accepted on a first come basis, so the sooner you book in, the more chance you have of securing a place as places are limited and we have to be within child: staff ratios at all times.

Any Excursions/Incursions will need paying for up front to secure your booking and any Child Care Fees will be invoiced to you after you have used the Vacation Care Service.


Bush Fire Policy, Clothing Policy, Hand Washing Policy, Medical Conditions Policy, Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol-Free Policy, Anaphylaxis Management Policy, Asthma Management Policy, Diabetes Management Policy, Epilepsy Policy, Head Lice Policy, Mobile Device Usage Policy, Safe Transportation Policy.

NOTE: All Policies are available at the OSHC Service for parents to view and add input before the end of the review month.



2nd – World Asthma Day 5th – World Environment Day

6th – 10th – International Compost Awareness Week 12th – Thank a ‘First Responder Day’

13th – 17th – Road Safety Week 27th – International Sunglasses Day

15th – 21st – National Families Week

20th – World Bee Day JULY

22nd – National Simultaneous Story time 16th – World Snake Day

23rd – World Turtle Day 30th – World Friendship Day

26th – National Sorry Day

27th – 3rd June – Reconciliation Week


Lisa, Hailey, Ashlee & Chloe - (OSHC Staff)

Secondary Athletics Day

On Thursday 28th March, the secondary students had their Athletics Carnival, and it was the perfect fit to have it on the last day of Term 1. Students participated in a range of track and field events over the course of the day. There were lucky dip prizes to the best dressed, it was great to see so many students in their house colours and getting creative with it! A special mention to Jacob Sidea for running a new school record in the 1500m with a time of 5:10. Well done to Kirat Dhaliwal (9.53m) and Tiffany Boswell (8.1m) who both scored new school records in Triple Jump.

Overall, it was Akuna winning the day on 1,961 house points, followed by Chokoree on 1,866, Allunga on 1,164 and Binda on 1,036 house points.

Well done to all students who participated and made it a fun last day of term.
